The Solution 4000 can use SCHEDULES to perform a number of things:
What can Schedules do??
We can create up to 8 Schedules to perform different tasks.
We use a Schedule to:
- Activate a User Group
- De-activate a User Group
We can also use a Schedule to:
- Lock a Door When door is LOCKED to enter a Door you must present a Card or Token at a Door Reader
- Unlock a Door When door is UNLOCKED to enter a Door just pull or push it open No card required.
- Secure a Door When a Door is SECURED it cannot be opened unless a key lock is used. Reader locked out
We can program with AlinkPlus:
- Direct Connect with DLA ( Direct Link Adaptor)
- via IP using an B426-M or B450-M and B444G 4G GSM module and via the RSC+ Cloud Service
The latest version is V6.2.01. and can be downloaded for free.
Go to the following where you can find this and also other panel information.
Lets see how we achieve this:
From AlinkPlus:
Schedule Settings:
- Set as LOCK
We can set a Schedule to LOCK at a certain time
- Set as UNLOCK
We can set a Schedule to UNLOCK at a certain time
- Set as SECURE
We can set a a Schedule to SECURE a Door or Doors at a certain time.
When a Door is SECURE, it cannot be operated using a swipe token until it is reset to LOCKED either manually by a User through codepad or by another Schedule
A Door that is SECURE could only be opened using a key lock while set as SECURE.
Once we have defined these Functions, we must also set the Days that these will operate as well as what happens on Holidays.
Schedules are also used to ACTIVATE and DE-Activate USERS on a system.
This means we can (if allocated to a USER GROUP) control what days and times a User can Arm or Disarm the system as well as gain access via Readers and Doors on site.
By default no Users are assigned to a User Group.
We will pick Users that this Group will apply to:
Click on the User which applies a TICK to select and allocate to the User Group.
If we selected Users 5 to 20 and set Times as 08:00 to 16:00 and selected Mon to Fri then these Users CODES and Swipe tokens would only be recognised and ALLOWED by the system between these Hours and Days..
Outside these times they would be denied access.
Using Holidays for a specific group.
You can also use HOLIDAYS to determine if a Group is allowed to operate or not.
You only want certain staff to be allowed in to the office during Christmas Shutdown.
- Lets use Schedule 5 , make it Activate User Group.
- You would create a User Group ( say Group 5)
- Select the necessary Users for example Users 9 10 15 20 32
- Select the Times ( 08:00 to 14:00)
- Select the days M T W Th Fr
- Select Schedule Holiday Option
- Select Applies for Holiday
- Create the Holiday Dates ( for example Dec 22 / 23/24/ 27/ 28 / 29/30 )
Any User who was NOT part of this Group (Group 5) would NOT be able to access the site.
Any Users NOT assigned to ANY Group could access the site as no restrictions apply to them.