Notes for B426-M:
*Jumper should be on the Tamper pins below the ethernet port on the B426-M (you should not see the blue heartbeat light).
*You should see a orange and green 'link' LED's on the B426-M. Orange flashing and green solid.
As well as Location 0081 being a value of a '3' and 4456 a '4'. Check the following locations:
Loc 4146 should be a value of '00'
Loc 4147 should be a value of '01'.
Loc 4021 - If this has a value of '1' it means IPV6 is enabled. However, if it is a value of '0' it means IPV6 is disabled.
LAN Scan (V2.1.3) - Mastercode followed by 941 # will reboot module 1. Allow a minute before the IP Module restores.
Mastercode followed by 942 # will reboot module 2.
To check current FW version of the Solution 2000/3000 panel, enter installer code # then 999 # and a digit will appear. Press * to check the next digit, then * for the final digit of the FW version.
E.g. 1234 # 999 # '2 appears' I'd press * then I'll see a '1', then * again I'd see a value of 3. V2.1.3 would be the FW.
To check cloud status: Installer code 123 # (1 means module 1 and 2 means module 2).
-Solid number means that module is ONLINE to the cloud.
-Flashing number means that the module is OFFLINE to the cloud.
If you are having connection issues, or just in general, we recommend keeping firmware upgraded for the Solution 2000/3000 panel as well as the communication Modules to enhance not only the connectivity but to ensure compatibility.
Current FW version for Solution 2000/3000: V2.1.3.
Current FW version for B426-M: V3.13.208
Current FW version for B450-M: V3.13.206
(Check link below for the latest FW version files and upgrade if possible)
**If all above has been checked, and you're still having issues connecting it could be on the modem/switch side. Try a different port; If connecting to a switch, try connecting directly to a modem as a test**
Notes for B450-M:
*To double check APN, put the sim card into the phone and go to 'Settings' > 'Network and internet' > 'Sims' >'Access point names' > APN.
Or try 'Settings' > 'Mobile' > 'Mobile data network' > APN.
Some Telstra APN's that used to be telstra.wap may be telstra.internet.
Please refer to attached PDF to help you set up the RSC+ app.