This note is to clarify how the codepad key illumination and codepad LCD illumination and backlight functions operate.
The latest released codepad firmware was V1.01 which has been in production since July 2021.
The backlight on IUI-SOL ICON's is currently NOT controllable.
Current Default operation: (no codepad extinguish enabled) V1.01 codepad
- LCD Screen remains LIT for 10 secs and then turns OFF
- Codepad KEYS remain LIT for 10 secs then turns OFF
Press any key and LCD display and keys are LIT again for 10 secs then turn OFF
Codepad Extinguish enabled: V1.01 codepad
With Location 497 enabled Add value of 1 to programming location:
This is a Global setting for all codepads ICON and Alphanumeric
- When enabled LCD Screen will disappear (BLANK) after 60 secs
- Codepad LCD screen will be LIT only for 10 secs and turn off
Touch any Key and codepad and screen will be LIT for 10 secs ONLY and turn off.
- LCD Screen will disappear (BLANK) again after 60 secs.
Screen will be BLANK no lights on screen or buttons
- In a DISARMED state ,when a codepad button is pressed the Screen and codepad buttons light up for 10 secs and extinguish
- If system is ARMED and an ALARM occurs , codepad Screen and codepad buttons will illuminate until disarmed
Codepad will light up and generate entry delay tones etc. and show zone activity
Once system is disarmed Codepad will then return to 10 sec illuminate cycle for screen and keys and then OFF.
If extinguish is enabled then screen goes BLANK after 60 secs also.