If a system was working and has network connectivity and can access the panel via RSC+ App but not receiving notifications the following should be done in exact order.
1. Power system all down
This means turn off AC power and open box to disconnect 1 lead from backup battery
A screwdriver will be needed to do this task.
Turn off power at power point
Unplug one lead from battery
2. once system powered down, do same to customer modem/ router
remove power and wait 30 secs and repower and wait until all lights are on again on router
3. Turn on AC power to panel, reconnect battery lead and close panel box.
Reset panel DATE and TIME using panel Mastercode.
4. Log in to the RSC+ app, select all items for notifications
In Mobile Phone, ensure that under RSC+ notifications are enabled
5. Check status of module
If panel is a V2.1.0 or higher we can see the state of the Cloud Module via the ICON codepad as follows:
At codepad enter Mastercode (eg: 2580) then 123 # or AWAY
You will see 1 2
1 = Module 1
2 = Module 2 ( if you only have 1 module 2 will always be flashing)
Number = FLASHING means module is OFFLINE to Cloud Server
Number = SOLID means module is ONLINE to Cloud Server
6. connect to control panel via RSC+ App and arm/ disarm
Notifications should occur.
7. If no notifications, go into RSC+ App and DELETE panel profile.
Log OUT of RSC+ App.
8. Log in to RSC+ again and recreate panel profile with UID. (Scan or manually enter)
9. Repeat steps (4) and (5)
if settings correct and module is ONLINE notifications should occur.
If after following all the above steps the panel will still not send notifications:
Please contact Bosch Technical Support on 1300 026 724 so that we can check the Cloud Account settings.