To do the following we need a spare 


That we will program to operate when a Custom Function is triggered.


The point would be connected to a door and operated when the door is opened/closed.


The  programming will need to be performed in RPS


There are a number of things (in no particular order)



Create a Custom Function 


  • Select an unused Custom Function        (eg; CF 128)


  • Give it a name (eg: Monitor Door Open)


  • Select and click on FUNCTION 1    


  • Set Function = Turn Output ON      


  • Select the OUTPUT as Parameter #1  ( you need to NOMINATE an Output eg: 17)

Turn Output ON function means it follows or MIRRORS state of the POINT.   


  • Point sealed = Output OFF  


  • Point unsealed / triggered , output operates as long as point unsealed

If function selected as One Shot Output you can make the output fire for a specific period of time and then reset,

This may be longer than the point/ Door was unsealed. 




Point profile:


We need to set up a Point profile to run the Custom Function


  • Select an unused (eg: 34)  Give it a NAME  =  Monitor Door Open


  • Set it’s POINT TYPE as Custom Function.


  • Set Point Response = 1 should do job


  • Set Output Response Type: default = 0   we want 1 = follows state of POINT


  • Set Custom Function Name =  Monitor Door Open



Set up POINT to operate:


  • Under POINTS / POINT Assignments


  • Select the POINT we want to use for this operation 


  • Name Text can be changed  ( give a name  eg:  Door Open Point)  


  • Select the POINT PROFILE it operates under (34) Monitor Door Open


Description should change to match its name.


  • Under OUTPUT in Point assignments   change value to the Output nominated under Create Custom Function ( eg: 17)



Save and download to panel.


Should provide function as required