The following relates to Zone wiring for:

Solution 6000

Solution 64

Solution 16 Plus

Solution 16 ICON

These panels are all  Common GND  panels  and use Zone and GND for the zone wiring.

Normally in a detector we are using 4 wire working and we incorporate the zone resistor IN-SERIES with the Alarm contacts and the tamper. (see below)  or the resistor would be installed IN-SERIES with the wire going back to the zone on the panel and not wired through the Tamper connections.

1 wire : (RED)  for +12V power on panel

1 wire: (BLACK) for GND on panel

1 wire: (WHITE) from GND next to Zone on panel  to one side of Alarm contacts in detector  (NC)

Resistor between  NC and one side of Tamper (T)

1 wire: (BLUE) from Zone on panel to other Tamper contact in detector (T)

Normally you would want to be using Security Alarm cabling  14.020 4 wire or using 6 wire so there is a spare pair.

We do NOT use Cat5 or Cat 6 data cable for wiring to a security system due to voltage loss.

If I needed to have not only ZONE Alarm , but also TAMPER Alarm, I could then use this 3rd pair to achieve this.

If I had only 4 wires, it is possible to also have the above functionality , but is not preferred practice.

You would need to wire as following:

Wiring as above would provide for having 2 separate detection circuits working in the one cable to provide Zone Alarm and Zone Tamper alarm.

Each circuit would use different EOL resistors.

Note that the EOL resistor would be wired IN-SERIES  with the wires going back to the Zone on the panel as above.

When wired correctly:

Detector seeing movement triggers Zone Alarm contacts , 

Detector being opened or tampered triggers Tamper Alarm contacts.