Please take a look at the B915 keypad Installer Menu tree attached.

[1] Program menu (Programming)

With the Program menu (Programming Menu), you can program parameters to make your system operational, including phone number and format, enhanced communication options, primary and backup destination devices, and notifications.

[1] Reporting > [1] Phone menu parameters

The control panel can dial as many as four different telephone numbers when sending event reports. In this menu, you can program the telephone numbers and the format.

Format (circle one) Phone number

Phone 1 Modem4/Contact ID ____________________________________________________

Phone 2 Modem4/Contact ID ____________________________________________________

Phone 3 Modem4/Contact ID ____________________________________________________

Phone 4 Modem4/Contact ID ____________________________________________________

Phone Number

1. Enter the installer passcode, and then go the [1] Installer Menu.

2. Go to [1] Programming Menu > [1] Reporting > [1] Phone. The keypad shows the phone number and phone format for the phone destination.

3. Use /Previous or /Next to go to the destination you want to edit.

4. Press Enter to edit the phone destination and then Enter to edit the phone number for the selected destination.

5. Delete existing characters, if necessary, and then enter the new phone number.

6. When finished, press Enter or Save to save the phone number. The keypad shows Parameter saved.

7. Escape from the menu.

Phone Format

1. Enter the installer passcode, and then go the [1] Installer Menu.

2. Go to [1] Programming Menu > [1] Reporting > [1] Phone. The keypad shows the phone number and phone format for the phone destination.

3. Use /Previous or /Next to go to the destination you want to edit.

4. Press Enter to edit the phone destination, and then press Next to go to the format option, and then press Enter to edit the phone format for the selected destination.

5. Press Format and then Edit. Use /Previous or /Next to toggle between the Contact ID and Modem4 option, and press Format while viewing the desired format to select it and save the programming. The keypad shows Parameter saved.

6. Escape from the menu.


[4] Area Options menu parameters

This parameter enables or disables specified areas. Enabled areas must have assigned account

numbers. In this menu, you can turn on or off areas and assign area account numbers.


Account numbers can contain characters 0 through 9, and B through F.

Area 1 Area 2 Area 3 Area 4

Area On Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No

Account Number ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

Area 5 Area 6 Area 7 Area 8

Area On Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No

Account Number ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

Area 9* Area 10* Area 11* Area 12*

Area On Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No

Account Number ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

Area 13* Area 14* Area 15* Area 16*

Area On Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No

Account Number ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

Area 17* Area 18* Area 19* Area 20*

Area On Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No

Account Number ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

Area 21* Area 22* Area 23* Area 24*

Area On Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No

Account Number ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

Area 25* Area 26* Area 27* Area 28*

Area On Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No

Account Number ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

Area 29* Area 30* Area 31* Area 32*

Area On Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No

Account Number ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

*Supported by the B9512G only.

Area State

1. Enter the installer passcode, and then open the [1] Installer Menu.

2. Go to [1] Programming Menu > [4] Areas.

3. Use /Previous or /Next to go to the desired area.

4. Press Enter to edit the area and Enter to edit the Area On state for the selected area. Use Previous or Next to toggle between the Yes and No options.

5. Press Save or Enter. The keypad shows Parameter saved.

6. Escape from the menu.

Area Account Number

1. Enter the installer passcode, and then open the [1] Installer Menu.

2. Go to [1] Programming Menu > [4] Areas.

3. Use /Previous or /Next to go to the desired area.

4. Press Enter to edit the area, and then press Next to go to the account number option.

Press Enter to edit the account number for the selected area.

5. Delete existing characters, if necessary, and then enter the new characters.

6. Press Save or Enter. The keypad shows Parameter saved.

7. Escape from the menu.

Area Account Name

1. Enter the installer passcode, and then open the [1] Installer Menu.

2. Go to [1] Programming Menu > [4] Areas.

3. Use /Previous or /Next to go to the desired area.

4. Press Enter to edit the area, and then press Next and Next to go to the account name

option. Press Enter to edit the account name for the selected area.

5. Delete existing characters, if necessary, and then enter the new characters.

6. Press Save or Enter. The keypad shows Parameter saved.

7. Escape from the menu.