Installers will need to be in programming mode before accessing the test functions listed below.
Walk Test
Use the walk test command MENU 3-9-0 to test and verify that all zones work correctly.
External Audible Test
Use MENU 4-9-0 to test and verify that all horn speakers operate. This test will sound the horn speaker for two seconds.
Internal Audible Test
Use MENU 4-9-1 to test and verify that all 12 V DC sirens operate. This test will sound the siren for two seconds.
Strobe Test
Use MENU 4-9-2 to test and verify that the strobe operates. This test will turn on the strobe until you manually stop the test.
Battery Test
Use MENU 7-9-1 to test the back-up battery that is connected to the control panel.
Communication Test
Use MENU 5-9-0 to test the telephone reporting capability of the control panel. You can also activate a communication test by holding down the Test Mail key on the keypad.