The Zone Array / Output Array / Door Array can help installers to troubleshoot the issues on Solution 6000.


The feature allows you to view the condition of all zones on the panel in banks of 16 zones at a time. From the
installer programming mode press MENU 3-0-1 to access the zone array.

Use the [↑] and [↓] arrow keys to scroll up and down the zone banks and press [OK] or [MENU] when finished.

The following information can be displayed depending on the current zone status.


In the above example screen,

= Zone 01 and 06 are Normal (Sealed)
= Zone 02 is Shorted
= Zone 03,05,07 are in Alarm (Unsealed)
= Zone 08 is in Tamper Alarm (Unsealed)
= Zone 04, 09-16 are Disabled (Unused)


This feature allows you to view output status in groups of 16. From the installer programming mode press MENU 4-0-2 to access the output array.

Use the [↑] and [↓] arrow keys to scroll up and down the output banks and press [OK] or [MENU] when finished.

The following information can be displayed depending on the current zone status.

= NORMAL - Off Condition
= TRlGGERED - On Condition
= FAULT- Overload Condition

1) Enter [MENU] + [4] + [0] + [2] and use the up and down arrows to select the output group to view.

2) Use the up and down arrows at any time to move to a new group. The keypad will display the following output array information for outputs 1 to 16.

In the above example screen,
= Outputs 01 to 05 are Normal (Off)
= Output 10 has a Fault (Overload)
= Output 09 is Triggered (On)
= Outputs 05 to 08 and Outputs 11 to 16 are Disabled or Not Available


This feature allows you to view door status in groups of 16. From the installer programming mode press MENU 4-0-4 to access the door array. Press [OK] or [MENU] when finished.

The following information can be displayed depending on the current door status.

= Door Locked
= Door Unlocked
= Door Open
= Disabled or Not Available

In the above example screen,
= Doors 01 to 05 are Locked
= Door 13 is Open
= Doors 09 to 12 area Unlocked
= Doors 06 to 08 and Doors 14 to 16 are Disabled or Not Available