Here is how to find out what is the issue with your specific panel.


Most Fault conditions will require the assistance of an/ your Licenced Security Alarm Installer to rectify for you.

If a Fault exists you will see the Fault Symbol below

If your panel has a codepad like this:


CP508  8 Zone  or  CP516 16 Zone  ICON Codepad

These were for Older Solution panels 


  • Solution 16     
  • Solution 844 /862/880
  • Solution Ultima 862 or 880  

The board in your alarm box will be a GREEN Circuit board

An AC Mains fail will cause the power lead symbol or word MAINS to be constantly Flashing.

No Fault = power lead symbol or MAINS will be constantly solid on screen

They could have a 1 Step or 2 Step Fault Analysis

System Faults  : 1 step    ( Older Solution Panels)

To determine  all system  faults other than the AC mains supply,  enter Fault Analysis Mode:

1.    Hold down  [5] until two beeps sound.

The FAULT indicator lights  steadily and the STAY and AWAY indicators flash in unison. Any lit zone indicators indicate  the type of fault that occurred.  See Table 9 for the list of system faults that can occur.

2.    To exit Fault Analysis Mode and return to the disarmed  state, press [#].

The FAULT indicator remains  lit and the codepad  stops beeping  once per minute until the faults are resolved.

11.3   Fault Descriptions



Table 9:   Fault Condition Indicators


Zone LED

FAULT Condition


Battery Fail




Sensor Watch


Horn Speaker Fail


Telephone Line Fail


E2 Fault


Fuse Fail


Communication Fail


2 stage fault analysis  ( Solution ULTIMA Panels)


How to Determine the Type of System Fault

To determine  which  system  fault occurred,  enter

Fault Analysis Mode by following the steps below:

1.    Hold down  the [5] key until two beeps sound.

The FAULT indicator remains  steady  and the STAY and AWAY indicators flash in unison. A zone indicator displays the type of fault that occurred  (for example, Zone 1 = System  Fault). See Table 11 for the list of possible system  faults.

2.    To further determine  the type of fault condition, press  the key that corresponds to the zone indicator displayed. For example, if Zone 1 displayed System  Fault, press  the [1] key to display which  system  fault occurred.

3.    To exit Fault Analysis Mode and return to the disarmed  state, press the [#] key. The FAULT indicator continues  to display and the codepad  stops sounding  once a minute.



Table 11:   Fault Indicators


Zone Indicator    Fault Description         Hold Down Button      Zone Indicator       Fault Condition

1               System Fault                              1                               1                Battery Fail

2                Date and Time

3                RF Receiver Fail

4                Horn Speaker Fail

5                Telephone Line Fail

6                E2 Fault

7                Fuse Fail

8                AC Fail

2               RF Low Battery                          2                           1 to 8            Zones 1 to 8 RF Low Battery

3               Zone Tamper Alarm                    3                           1 to 8            Zones 1 to 8 Tamper Alarm

4               Sensor Watch Fault                   4                           1 to 8            Zones 1 to 8 Sensor Watch Fail

5               RF Sensor Watch                       5                           1 to 8            Zones 1 to 8 RF Sensor Watch Fail

6               Communication Fail                    6                               1                Receiver 1 Fail

2                Receiver 2 Fail


If your codepad looks like this:

ICON Codepad


Alpha -Numeric Codepad

You will probably have a Solution 2000 or Solution 3000 Panel.

The board in your alarm box will be a BLACK circuit board

This uses a 2 Step Analysis similar to above.

This panel also supports using 2 types of Touchscreens  a 5 inch and a 7 inch.

5 inch Touchscreen


7 inch Touchscreen

These can do the same Fault analysis, except they will tell you on the screen what the faults are in words.

If your codepad looks like this:

Solution 16 ICON  Codepad

The above 2 codepads work on:

  • Solution 16 Plus 
  • Solution 64 
  • Solution 6000 

All the above use the same method of Fault Analysis.

All these panels have a BLUE circuit board in the alarm box.

The Solution 16 ICON does not have a full graphic menu like the above 3 , but we can still find out what the faults are.

Solution 16 Plus / Solution 64 / Solution 6000 panels

Your codepad has NUMBERS and   MENU / OK / ON or OFF buttons , the fault analysis is done as follows.


- press the down arrow  ( under the OK button) , then press OK.

- highlight System trouble then press OK.

- The screen will change to 3 lines of information, the 3rd line indicates the FAULT conditions

( ignore TEMP= xxx   : this is NOT a fault)

Solution 16 ICON

Using the below we can work out what the Trouble condition is.

Solution 16 Plus / Solution 64 / Solution 6000

As previously indicated, most Fault Conditions will need an Installer to rectify.

Bosch Manufacture and Wholesale our alarm products only to Licenced Alarm Installation companies and their Installers.

We do not sell to the general public, nor do we have our own Installation staff.

We do however recommend the companies and Installers who deal with us to provide onsite service or installation.

We would always recommend you initially contact your original Installer as they will know all about your current Alarm Panel setup and codes etc.

If you do not know your Installer you can go to: 


Click on “Where to Buy”

Select for Australia or New Zealand


You can then either:


  • Enter your address and then select   Security Alarms    then Installers – Security Systems


  • Select your state and then  select   Security Alarms    then Installers – Security Systems


Have a look for a company near to you.


Any company you find here should be able to get you sorted.

We hope this will be a useful resource for you.