This command lists any system troubles which are currently in effect on the system. information is displayed in a list format allowing you to select a particular event and then drill down to view more specific information.
System trouble events such as Failure To Communicate or Telco line Fail are grouped under System Trouble in the list while open zones are displayed individually one per line.
When the keypad is in standby mode, system troubles and open zones will be displayed on the status line of the keypad. From this mode you can access the list of troubles by pressing the down arrow.
1) Press [MENU] + [7] + [0] + [1] and use the up and down arrows to highlight the trouble event In the list then press [OK].
2) Selecting System Trouble from the list will show the specific panel version Information to be displayed In the first two lines while the third line of the display will scroll all current system trouble events.
3) Selecting a Zone from the list will show the current zone state.
4) If no System Troubles are In effect the keypad will display.
5) Press [OK] or [MENU] when finished.
The following list shows the systems trouble messages including a description of what has caused the trouble event to occur. System Trouble events are also recorded in the System Event Log.
Power Missing
This trouble message will display when the AC mains power supply to the panel is disconnected or failed and will clear when the power is reconnected. The Mains Power Icon in the keypad will also flash when the power is missing.
AC Missing
The control panel has detected that the AC mains supply has failed or is disconnected on an optional universal expander or LAN power supply module.
Battery Low
This trouble message will display if the panel's backup battery voltage has dropped below 11.5 volts DC duringa battery test and will clear when the voltage is above 12.5 volts during a subsequent battery test.
Battery Missing
This trouble message will display if the panel detects that the system's backup battery is missing or has been disconnected.
Low Battery
The control panel has detected that an RF sensor has a low battery condition. Replace the RF sensor battery and transmit an RF signal to clear the low battery condition.
Box Tamper
The control panel has detected that the tamper circuit on the LAN power supply module is faulted. Place a shunt across the tamper input pins or close the tamper circuit to clear the box tamper trouble condition.
Temperature Alert
The control panel has detected that the console (eg. keypad, LAN reader or fingerprint reader) has exceeded the global temperature high or temperature low settings.
Receiver Missing
This trouble message will display if the panel detects the RF receiver is missing or disconnected. The trouble will clear when the receiver is reconnected.
Case Tamper
This trouble message will display if the panel detects that the tamper circuit on the RF receiver is faulted.
Receiver Jam
This trouble message will display if the connected RF receiver detects RF noise levels that may prevent it from working correctly.
Comms Fail Route 1
This trouble message will display if the panel has failed to send pending reports to Destination 1. All possible call attempts will be made before the trouble message isdisplayed.
Comms Fail Route 2
This trouble message will display if the panel has failed to send pending reports to Destination 2. All possible call attempts will be made before the trouble message is displayed.
Comms Fail Route 3
This trouble message will display if the panel has failed to send pending reports to Destination 3 (Email). All possible call attempts will be made before the trouble message is displayed.
Sensor Watch Alert
The control panel has detected a zone has failed to detect a change of state within the sensor watch period.
Comms BUSS Trouble
This trouble message will display if the panel failed to communicate to a system device which is connected to the LAN bus (e.g. keypad etc).
Default PIN Trouble
This trouble message will display if the panel detects that either the installer PIN or User 1 PIN is still set to the factory default PIN. Change the PIN to clear the fault.
Date & Time
This trouble message will display if the system date and time has not been set. Program the correct date and time to clear the fault at menu 7-1-0.
Cabinet Tamper
This trouble message will display if the panel detects that it's cabinet tamper input is faulted. Close the tamper switch to clear the fault.
Connection Trouble
The control panel has detected that an output device (eg. external siren etc) has failed or has been disconnected from the system.
Overload Condition
The control panel has detected that an output has an over current condition.
Zone was in Alarm
A zone was previously in alarm and requires alarm memory reset to clear. Turn the area on and then off again to clear alarm memory.
Telco Llne Fall
This trouble message will display if the panel detects that the telephone line has failed or been disconnected for a minimum of 30 seconds. The trouble will clear once the line has been restored for at least 1 minute.
LAN+ Overload
This trouble message will display if the panel detects that the current load on the LAN+ power terminal has exceeded its maximum rating of 1 Amp DC. See MENU 7-3-2 — Fuse Options.
COMM+ Overload
This trouble message will display if the panel detects that the current load on the COMM+ terminal has exceeded its maximum rating of 3 Amp DC. See MENU 7-3-2 — Fuse Options.
ACC+ Overload
This trouble message will display if the panel detects that the current load on the +1 2V accessory power terminal has exceeded it’s maximum current rating of 1 Amp DC. See MENU 7-3«2 — Fuse Options.
Service Required
This trouble message will display when the Service Interval Timer expires. To clear the message the installer must enter and exit programming mode. See MENU 2-9-2 — Service Interval.
Memory Checksum
This occurs if the memory checksum is corrupted. To try and correct this, enter programming mode and make a programming change like a username then exit programming mode. if this problem still persists you must do a full system default.
Phone Line in Use
This trouble message will display while the panel is using the phone line.The message will clear when the line is released. This message can be prevented from displaying in MENU 5-2-2 — Phone Une Options.
Battery Trouble
The control panel has detected that the real time clock module has a low or missing backup battery.