We can use Lift Door control with the S6000
You would change the DOOR settings under Menu 423 Door Options
You would select Option 8 = LIFT DOOR
The Reader would have
Badging Required under Menu 614
When the reader is badged only the outputs that are set with the Users DOOR ASSIGMENT would activate.
If I present a token that only had Door 1 and 2 then the corresponding Outputs only for these 2 doors would operate.
If I present a token that the User had all possible doors on the system assigned, then ALL outputs would operate.
These outputs would need to be then interfaced to the Lift Controller and then these would relate to FLOOR Buttons
in the lift.
Note that the system Outputs would need to be setup as:
Menu 411 Event Type 60 = DOOR
Menu 412 Event Assignment = Door NUMBER
Menu 413 POLARITY = Type 4 : Open 1 shot LOW
Menu 414 Time = normally 10 seconds